COMPUTER PROGRAMMING LAB(Common to All branches of Engineering)
Course Objectives:
The course aims to give students hands – on experience and train them on the concepts of the C- programming language.
Course Outcomes:
CO1: Read, understand, and trace the execution of programs written in C language.(Understand)
CO2: Apply the right control structure for solving the problem. (Apply)
CO3: Develop, Debug and Execute programs to demonstrate the applications of arrays, functions, pointers and files in C. (Apply)
CO4: Improve individual / teamwork skills, communication and report writing skills with ethical values.
WEEK 1 Click Link for Lab Notes
Objective: Getting familiar with the programming environment on the computer and writing the first program.
Suggested Experiments/Activities:
Tutorial 1: Problem-solving using Computers.
Lab1: Familiarization with programming environment
i) Basic Linux environment and its editors like Vi, Vim & Emacs etc.
ii) Exposure to Turbo C, gcc
iii) Writing simple programs using printf(), scanf()
WEEK 2 Click Link for Lab Notes
Objective: Getting familiar with how to formally describe a solution to a problem in a series of finite steps both using textual notation and graphic notation.
Suggested Experiments /Activities:
Tutorial 2: Problem-solving using Algorithms and Flow charts.
Lab 1: Converting algorithms/flow charts into C Source code.
Developing the algorithms/flowcharts for the following sample programs
i) Sum and average of 3 numbers
ii) Conversion of Fahrenheit to Celsius and vice versa
iii) Simple interest calculation
WEEK 3 Click Link for Lab Notes
Objective: Learn how to define variables with the desired data-type, initialize them with appropriate values and how arithmetic operators can be used with variables and constants.
Suggested Experiments/Activities:
Tutorial 3: Variable types and type conversions:
Lab 3: Simple computational problems using arithmetic expressions.
i) Finding the square root of a given number
ii) Finding compound interest
iii) Area of a triangle using heron’s formulae
iv) Distance travelled by an object
WEEK 4 Click Link for Lab Notes
Objective: Explore the full scope of expressions, type-compatibility of variables &constants and operators used in the expression and how operator precedence works.
Suggested Experiments/Activities:
Tutorial4: Operators and the precedence and as associativity:
Lab4: Simple computational problems using the operator’ precedence and associativity
i) Evaluate the following expressions.
a. A+B*C+(D*E) + F*G
b. A/B*C-B+A*D/3
c. A+++B---A
d. J= (i++) + (++i)
ii) Find the maximum of three numbers using conditional operator
iii) Take marks of 5 subjects in integers, and find the total, average in float
WEEK 5 Click Link for Lab Notes
Objective: Explore the full scope of different variants of “if construct” namely if- else, null- else, if-else if*-else, switch and nested-if including in what scenario each one of them can be used and how to use them. Explore all relational and logical operators while writing conditionals for “if construct”.
Suggested Experiments/Activities:
Tutorial 5: Branching and logical expressions:
Lab 5: Problems involving if-then-else structures.
i) Write a C program to find the max and min of four numbers using if-else.
ii) Write a C program to generate electricity bill.
iii) Find the roots of the quadratic equation.
iv) Write a C program to simulate a calculator using switch case.
v) Write a C program to find the given year is a leap year or not.
WEEK 6 Click Link for Lab Notes
Objective: Explore the full scope of iterative constructs namely while loop, do-while loop and for loop in addition to structured jump constructs like break and continue including when each of these statements is more appropriate to use.
Suggested Experiments/Activities:
Tutorial 6: Loops, while and for loops
Lab 6: Iterative problems e.g., the sum of series
i) Find the factorial of given number using any loop.
ii) Find the given number is a prime or not.
iii) Compute sine and cos series
iv) Checking a number palindrome
v) Construct a pyramid of numbers.
WEEK 7: Click Link for Lab Notes
Objective: Explore the full scope of Arrays construct namely defining and initializing 1-D and 2-D and more generically n-D arrays and referencing individual array elements from the defined array. Using integer 1-D arrays, explore search solution linear search.
Suggested Experiments/Activities:
Tutorial 7: 1 D Arrays: searching.
Lab 7:1D Array manipulation, linear search
i) Find the min and max of a 1-D integer array.
ii) Perform linear search on1D array.
iii) The reverse of a 1D integer array
iv) Find 2’s complement of the given binary number.
v) Eliminate duplicate elements in an array.
Objective: Explore the difference between other arrays and character arrays that can be used as Strings by using null character and get comfortable with string by doing experiments that will reverse a string and concatenate two strings. Explore sorting solution bubble sort using integer arrays.
Suggested Experiments/Activities:
Tutorial 8: 2 D arrays, sorting and Strings.
Lab 8: Matrix problems, String operations, Bubble sort
i) Addition of two matrices
ii) Multiplication two matrices
iii) Sort array elements using bubble sort
iv) Concatenate two strings without built-in functions
v) Reverse a string using built-in and without built-in string functions
Objective: Explore pointers to manage a dynamic array of integers, including memory allocation & value initialization, resizing changing and reordering the contents of an array and memory de-allocation using malloc (), calloc (), realloc () and free () functions. Gain experience processing command-line arguments received by C
Suggested Experiments/Activities:
Tutorial 9: Pointers, structures and dynamic memory allocation
Lab 9: Pointers and structures, memory dereference.
i) Write a C program to find the sum of a 1D array using malloc()
ii) Write a C program to find the total, average of n students using structures
iii) Enter n students data using calloc() and display failed students list
iv) Read student name and marks from the command line and display the student
details along with the total.
v) Write a C program to implement realloc()
WEEK 10:
Objective: Experiment with C Structures, Unions, bit fields and self-referential structures (Singly linked lists) and nested structures
Suggested Experiments/Activities:
Tutorial 10: Bitfields, Self-Referential Structures, Linked lists
Lab10 : Bitfields, linked lists
Read and print a date using dd/mm/yyyy format using bit-fields and differentiate the same without using bit- fields
i) Create and display a singly linked list using self-referential structure.
ii) Demonstrate the differences between structures and unions using a C program.
iii) Write a C program to shift/rotate using bitfields.
iv) Write a C program to copy one structure variable to another structure of the same type.
WEEK 11:
Objective: Explore the Functions, sub-routines, scope and extent of variables, doing some experiments by parameter passing using call by value. Basic methods of numerical integration.
Suggested Experiments/Activities:
Tutorial 11: Functions, call by value, scope and extent,
Lab 11: Simple functions using call by value, solving differential equations
using Eulers theorem.
i) Write a C function to calculate NCR value.
ii) Write a C function to find the length of a string.
iii) Write a C function to transpose of a matrix.
iv) Write a C function to demonstrate numerical integration of differential equations
using Euler’s method
WEEK 12:
Objective: Explore how recursive solutions can be programmed by writing recursive functions that can be invoked from the main by programming at-least five distinct problems that have naturally recursive solutions.
Suggested Experiments/Activities:
Tutorial 12: Recursion, the structure of recursive calls
Lab 12: Recursive functions
i) Write a recursive function to generate Fibonacci series.
ii) Write a recursive function to find the lcm of two numbers.
iii) Write a recursive function to find the factorial of a number.
iv) Write a C Program to implement Ackermann function using recursion.
v) Write a recursive function to find the sum of series.
WEEK 13:
Objective: Explore the basic difference between normal and pointer variables, Arithmetic operations using pointers and passing variables to functions using pointers
Suggested Experiments/Activities:
Tutorial 13: Call by reference, dangling pointers
Lab 13: Simple functions using Call by reference, Dangling pointers.
i) Write a C program to swap two numbers using call by reference.
ii) Demonstrate Dangling pointer problem using a C program.
iii) Write a C program to copy one string into another using pointer.
iv) Write a C program to find no of lowercase, uppercase, digits
and other characters using pointers.
Objective: To understand data files and file handling with various file I/O functions. Explore the differences between text and binary files.
Suggested Experiments/Activities:
Tutorial 14: File handling
Lab 14: File operations
i) Write a C program to write and read text into a file.
ii) Write a C program to write and read text into a binary file using fread() and fwrite()
iii) Copy the contents of one file to another file.
iv) Write a C program to merge two files into the third file using command-line arguments.
v) Find no. of lines, words and characters in a file
vi) Write a C program to print last n characters of a given file.
1. Ajay Mittal, Programming in C: A practical approach, Pearson.
2. Byron Gottfried, Schaum' s Outline of Programming with C, McGraw Hill
Reference Books:
1. Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie, The C Programming Language,
Prentice- Hall of India
2. C Programming, A Problem-Solving Approach, Forouzan, Gilberg, Prasad, CENGAGE
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